May 24, 2002

Subconscious Soundtrack of the day: Iris (Goo Goo Dolls).

Mood of the day: Sucky.

May 22, 2002

Two quick additions here, both useful sites with lots of nice costuming links. First: Costume Patterns, Tips: Make-up, masks, historical, fantasy, foreign... from KnowledgeHound. From a link there, I found the very interesting Institute for Draped Clothing, check out their web library -- many interesting links to check out there--including sarong tying for men.

May 21, 2002

Subconscious Soundtrack: This one has been the song in my head when I've awakened for the last two days: Slide (Goo Goo Dolls). It seems to be the run away line that stands out, though I like the whole song.

Radio Roulette for the day: For You (Staind). Not a happy song, but I like it--good to screech along to in traffic.

May 20, 2002

I really need to learn how to knit. Somehow the Revolutionary Crocheting Circle doesn't have the same ring to it...